How to Wake a Sleeping Bull?

Posted:October 22, 2012 | Tags:

If you stood in the way, you'd have been trampled on.  I'm talking about the congressional river that poured out of the Capital building last week when Congress adjourned.  Not that they had anything to do like fix a limping economy, or provide emergency relief for the drought-stricken farms in the mid-west.  Say nothing of the national debt that will go up another $800 million by the time you finish reading this.  Having played the villain for so long the fact is that Wall Street now needs...

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First Post

Posted:November 13, 2012 | Tags:

Fun times testing out this website!




This is a title

Posted:November 16, 2012 | Tags:

This is the body. 

The Importance of Having a Strong Web Presence

Posted:January 8, 2013 | Tags:

We’re seeing more and more recruiters use the web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches. This trend is set to increase year over year and I’ve been predicting that an “online presence search” will become as common as a drug test since 2007. Your online presence should consist of your own website at This website is the core of your online presence and if you optimize it effectively, it will rank number one for your name in major search...

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What is Social Media in Brief?

Posted:January 22, 2013 | Tags:

Social media is developing and strategizing a creative approach that will increase online engagement, for a community, group, business, brand, organization and other influencers.  By implementing a strategic plan and engaging content you will be able to see return of investment (ROI). This can be measured by how many comments, likes and views the content has gotten. You can also implement 3rd party apps that you can measure the success of your approach, such as a social campaign, surveys,...

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Posted:February 4, 2013 | Tags:


Croissant biscuit danish muffin gummies croissant jelly beans biscuit faworki. Biscuit chocolate macaroon toffee. Ice cream pastry dragée cotton candy ice cream macaroon ice cream apple pie. Pastry cake candy canes chocolate carrot cake chocolate candy macaroon. Chupa chups sweet chocolate bar gummies chupa chups dessert macaroon sweet.

Croissant biscuit danish muffin gummies croissant jelly beans biscuit faworki. Biscuit chocolate macaroon toffee. Ice cream pastry dragée cotton candy ice...

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This is a post

Posted:February 13, 2013 | Tags:

Lets talk about this

“What’s My AQ?” (Automotive Quotient)

Posted:February 25, 2013 | Tags:

Created an online quiz to provide a fun, unique way
for consumers to engage in a competition while learning about the value provided by Chrysler Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles. Using a social internet broadcasting strategy, drove over 600,000 visitors to a "zero awareness in the marketplace" site.

Greektown Casino-Hotel “Wallet Drop”

Posted:February 25, 2013 | Tags:

A guerilla marketing campaign in which the Casino dropped wallets filled with valuable offers at key events and locations around downtown Detroit. Accolades include earned media in both the Metro region Detroit (WDIV Detroit-Television) and nationally (

Who Is Benjamin Stove?

Posted:February 25, 2013 | Tags:

GM Alternative Fuels initiative which tapped into the Alternate Reality Gaming culture with “Who Is Benjamin Stove?” An interactive real-world adventure, blurring the lines between virtual and the real, while elevating the conversation and awareness of GM's "Live Green, Go Yellow" Flex Fuel program.

Obama doesn't love me anymore.

Posted:March 1, 2013 | Tags:

Obama doesn’t love me anymore. 

He never calls. He never writes. He never texts.  

He courted me relentlessly during October and early November. I heard from him sometimes 10 times a day - aggressive emails telling me why my other suitor was no good for me, phone calls asking me to make more time for him, thank you notes in the mail for the commitments I'd already made to our relationship. It made me feel desired, needed. 

I knew that kind of intense communication wasn't sustainable, but I...

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So, what do you do?

Posted:March 1, 2013 | Tags:

That has become one of the most challenging questions for me to answer.  I can remember a time in my life when I responded with some info about my day job as a publicist working with corporate and public affairs clients.

Fast forward a few years and it's not so simple. I am still a publicist for my day job, but I spend potentially as much time (arguably more) in the startup & internets world as a co-founder of Hackn' Jill, and until recently doing business development for Alchemy.

How do I...

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SXSW is a shoe murderer!

Posted:March 11, 2013 | Tags:

SXSW 2013 was my first experience attending the famed interactive/tech/music/film festival. I got A LOT of advice before making my way out to Austin for this crazy week. Some of it I took and some of it I didn't. This post is my own advice for myself and also for anyone else who takes this amazing journey. 

So, first things first. You NEED to wear comfortable shoes. Yeah, that's a thing. You will walk everywhere and be on your feet for like 18 hours a day. You will walk on many different...

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Posted:March 20, 2013 | Tags:


I started today

Posted:March 20, 2013 | Tags:

I signed up for Workfolio today!


Posted:March 20, 2013 | Tags:



Posted:March 20, 2013 | Tags:

first blog post

How to Have a Killer B2B Social Media Presence

Posted:April 11, 2013 | Tags:

I spent the week writing about social media for B2B brands on The Starr Conspiracy blog. If you want to catch up on what I’m saying over there, here’s a quick breakdown of this week’s posts: 

The Importance of Visual Content in B2B Social Media

Why your B2B brand should be using visual content in your social strategy from the user’s perspective, including:

  • The use of thumbnail previews
  • User data for visual networks
  • The way the brain processes visual information

A Primer for B2B...

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Posted:April 22, 2013 | Tags:
Tomar café es un placer que además te da energía y una sensación de bienestar, pero también le aporta valiosos beneficios a tu salud. Dentro de todas las propiedades que tiene el café está la de diurético y proporciona mucha fibra por lo tanto limpia el sistema digestivo de manera saludable.
Si a esto le agregamos que existe en el mercado un producto que aparte de colaborar con el mantenimiento de tu peso, te nutre y te cura, estamos frente a una notable revolución en el mundo de los...
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Posted:April 22, 2013 | Tags:


1. Es una empresa nueva formada por personas de mucha y reconocida experiencia en el rubro. Su Fundador y Director General, Bernardo “Bernie” T. Chua, presidió el negocio en Norteamérica (EEUU, México y Canadá) de una reconocida empresa internacional donde era accionista. El es reconocido internacionalmente como un exitoso conocedor de los negocios de multinivel. 

 2. La afiliación es de alcance internacional

 3. Empieza el negocio en EEUU, Peru,...

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